How/where do you store your art? Do you use a drive or anything? I’m looking for something to keep a more organized personal art archive but I honestly don’t know how most things handle nsfw art
periodic external drive backups (replaced every ~5 years or so if i'm good about it)+private cloud storage. there are a lot of cloud storage options these days, but even if most of them have a pretty strict tos, realistically speaking it's difficult for them to enforce if you never directly/publicly share anything you have on there. you've probably noticed that censorship is on the rise. i will always believe in the innovation and ingenuity of my fellow perverts. even if baraag goes down someday, something will spring up to replace it--perhaps not overnight, but eventually. due to the ephemeral nature of the internet, contingency plans are generally a good idea to have in advance, though. thank you for writing in.