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day⠀o2⠀: if you use multiple names (since most people in this community do) , do you have a preference for which one is used most on you ? do you have any favorite nicknames ?



i prefer cedar more than c4 at the moment. my name changes a lot so eh... I LOVE CEDS AS A NICKNAME!!! OOMF CAME UP WITH IT (hi charlie) AND IT'S SO SILLY <33

I have soooo many names but rn I'd prefer if people used Rudy or Leah. I use other names in other communities, and my friends have their own nicknames and names for me (Magpie) but Rudy and Leah are the two most public.

i use marisol, salmon, and ghostie! i love salmon mari and ghostie the most!

my fav is vania obviously but i rlly like having steenie used on me too... nyobody does though bwaaa

I use the names Arcjec, Ray, and Formik! But I only have the first two listed on here since those are my main names that I use

For now I like uhm Uhm Uhm UHNMM gamz(ee), nep, nepnep... catbomb (nickname my VERY close best friend used to use on me in 2023 :^3 they're a system n they're still the best.) uhmm i also don't mind jeremy!! , have a whole HoNk!ing name list !! (I wanted to do the "honking" thing for fun pls don't kill me chat pls I'll piss in a jar and send it to charity dont put me on cancel culture plea)

dexter is the one i’ve been sticking with lately, i kinda have a habit of changing my name (though not very often) as i have a hard time figuring out what suits me best, but i do enjoy dexter. i think i’ll keep it

as for nicknames, i guess ‘bum’ i’ve gone by that since 2021 as a joke and it just kinda stuck, though i prefer only my friends call me that

I'd say I prefer to be called Seth more than Trish, it honestly just depends on how I'm feeling that day, though I've been experimenting with "Jolyne" lately, and I really do enjoy it. As for nicknames? I don't really mind nicknames, I don't have a favorite

Well my preferred one is Xavier since it’s my irl name and most people use it for that reason. Nickname wise Buster is the most common since I use it primarily on some fandom focused platforms instead of my name

whichever one is my discord display atm . joke i dont rlly have a pref

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