STREAMER 1723737642356

Hi guys. I think we’re gonna be able to edit posts here!!! Do you guys… see any issue with that. With letting us to edit posts. Any bad things coming from that. Share



I think it’s fine. There are concerns of people misusing it to get away with saying things they shouldn’t, sure, but honestly, why pay it any mind? The edit feature would be helpful for everyone wanting to use it, and bad people will still find different ways to misbehave, so I think it’d be an overall positive. Plus, it’s just a website, it’s best not to care too deeply about drama on it

I like it because if I ever change my theme I can edit my ask game instead of sending a new ask :3

Not sure how I feel about it.

renato is right but i think it would be ok if it shows that the post is edited

possible people getting canceled over saying something then they edit the thing they originally said and claim the edit was because of a typo if there's no evidence of what they originally said ect ect...

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