any holiday
halloween i guess ........ it was best this year when i saw a nine bfb costume and i had first seen their costume at my grandmas house when we got to the neighborhood so we had to be on the look out for them and my mom said she spotted somebody who looked similar to them So i ran up to them and had to yell "HEY!!!!!!" so i could get their attention because i knew i wasnt gonna catch up i was so exhausted that i could barely say anything but i did say i liked their costume (sad that i didnt say i was an object show fan but hopefully liking the costume can mean i recognized it as well), the one thing i felt bad about was that i couldnt hear them very well when they were talking (i have auditory processing disorder and some other stuff that affects my hearing/how i react to hearing things, so i struggle to hear people in general and i probably shouldnt feel bad because its literally out of my control But still.....) sorry just needed an excuse to talk about the one thing i remember from halloween..... beside...
Any holiday; no school
Halloween. Three words; candy and costumes. The only con is that you might be filling a dentist's bank account later on if you ain't brushing them teeth.
none sorry they're all ass
Thanksgiving because I get to eat and I'm big back thanks