robloxia 1731518331663

how do people use the bathroom at school bruh it feels like an scp containment cell in those bathrooms ๐Ÿ’”



public bathroom speedrun any% ๐Ÿ”ฅ /j but in all seriousness just take your time and try to relax.

system32 1731522157645

My school never has toilet paper, I have to use my underwear to clean off my piss so I just don't use them and instead do it at home.

master frown 1731531731425 *

i use the nurses restroom cuz they wont let me in the mens, heh... i do use public stalls at the store and stuff though. they dont gross me out but i assume a lot of others think they're germy. idk, i just .. use em bro....

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