drunkangels 1724452757678

Qotd   # 03  🗝  character you hate  OR character you love?   Mine is obviously.... roach (I am him and he is me) uhmmm I also found out about barrage and he's pretty cool too... SOAP also is kinda silly.... character I hate would be uhm. I can't think of a single one



I love all mashle cast except IZ, he can go rot :) I mainly hate IZ due to the fact I am very attached to Domina Blowelive (he is me i am him) i also love finn ames hes so me...

character i hate uhh kim lurker (i'm blanking he'sthe first guy to come to mind) and character i love yoo joonghyuk i love you yoo joonghyuk

Charatcer i hate is amoru

GHOST GHOST GOHST OBVIOUSYL fuck I need a new personality OK NVM Mika kagehira ! Ensemble stars GO ily ^_* I love bro soo much he’s like the only person I draw tbh.. I also drew ghostxmika art but I haven’t felt like finishing so shhhhhjhh Only the real ones (irl and kale) have seen it but it’s SOO silly hehehehe

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