keegan 1724893002163

hey this is important read the comments if we're oomfs.



at this point i think people want me off the internet even if i haven't harmed anyone in the ways i'm being accused of. i have vented to my friends who are younger than me. this doesn't mean i've groomed them. i have a therapist and have for months. i don't need to rely on kids for this. i have never groomed anyone, and i've been in a situation where i've been groomed the exact way i'm being accused of. why would i ever put anyone through that? i've not gotten any screenshots and have been profusely refused them. so this is all a he said she said until proof is shown, which i don't think it will be. i am sorry to those who i have hurt. i don't understand why people want to hurt me without even showing anything to prove it. if i were accusing someone i'd show the screenshots to them. why am i not getting shown? i just want to see what i'm being accused of. i don't get it at all. i leave my friends to form their own opinions but i'm not a groomer.

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