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♡( ◡ ◡) QOTD #13  ✦ do you play any sports ? did you used to ?




no and still no... but when i was in 4th grade, we were made to play cricket in PE, which i was actually pretty good at and found it fun. i'm really not good at many sports, but it's sports like cricket and also baseball that i find the most fun, as long as i'm not fielding.

I used to play basketball, soccer, and rugby, also used to do gymnastics, I think that counts

i used to play softball and volleyball when i was a lot younger

I used to play badminton and handball for a while.

i useddd to do boxing. fun times :3

i know tennis and swimming, i was debating being a registered in my countries national athelete program but i looked back on it since idgaf abt sports tbh

I did so many… tennis, swim, karate, basketball, American football, baseball, hockey, but now I do soccer and softball I’d try anything else tho :3

I used to play basketball & volleyball, but now I play tennis, badminton, and bowling :)

i used 2 play basketball igurss

i dont anymore but i used to play soccer, do karate, and gymnastics !! i might try lacrosse if my brother is willing to teach me

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