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#016 , 13 / 10 / 2024 , QOTD

What's something crazy that you've experienced, but nobody else would believe because of how absurd it is?

Current Theme : General Questions



my body was almost chopped off , apparently there was a road incident where the car im in left 5 minutes ago before it happened . the other guy who got onto the accident was walking with fellow people he is familiar with and got chopped off by an incoming vehicle that crashed onto the side walk (where the car was at b4 the car left) and not me .

randompcb 1728933472239

My dog once spoke.

(Actually, he just barked in such a way that kind of sounded like "no", but ehh)

Nathan 1728852602339

I hid for more than an hour playing hide and seek with my siblings (I suck ass at hide and seek now so literally nobody believes me)


The doctor broke my arm when I was born (because I arrived too late)... I tell everyone and they don't believe that a doctor would do that.

☄.*.⋆ sawyer ˚ 1728851432034

i sprained my thumb on a mcdonalds slide when i was 8

Alex 1728837073644

Its funny but I remember it vividly. There was this one classmate of mine: a good two shoes boy, never got grades lower then 8/10, and never liked anything too radical nore did he ever like revolutionaries (he basically hated me). And once he told me he liked a girl in our class, the thing is that the girl was a lesbian and I was like "man I'm telling her". Smh the gremlin goodie boy found out I told her AND HE BECAME A MENANCE, HE STARTED BY DEATH THREATENING ME MAKING UP "JOKES" ABOUT HOW I WAS ALWAYS SOME SORT OF "DELIQUWNT" (I still dontvknow why a lot of people see me as a delinquent in irl). I got mad told the school principal and he got called in to discuss with me about the situation, why? Because the school principal herself didn't believe me. In the end he got detention over he's behavior, and oh boy if I told you he cried like a pig. He was all red and sweaty crying like a damn pig with he's nose was runny. I should have taken a photo though...

twilight 1728835293340

my life is so boring I literally have nothing I rode in a fire truck once ?? does that count ??


this didn't directly happen to me (i was there though) but about 15/16 years ago an ex prime minister asked to park in my mom's driveway since he was friends with the landlord and my mom told him to leave

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