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#065 , 1 / 12 / 2024 , QOTD

What are your favorite and least favorite types of humor?

Current Theme : General Questions



i HATE potty humor and whatever else like it. i get annoyed when people use the words carp or shit literally to refer to... stuff, and can't stand talking about bathroom stuff on the regular, so why would i tolerate it as humor?

... i'll admit i call people poopyheads and stuff like that, and that childish insults like nincompoop and dinglewad are my favorite humor... slash way to insult people in real arguments..

favorite is old humor that's so dumb its funny and also puns least favorite is "dark humor" its mainly just used to be offensive. KABOOM!

my favorite is bad puns and the like. and stuff like dad jokes. my least favorite is brainrot humor i fear... hearing someone say stuff like "rizz" takes 5 years off my life everytime i hear it

Favorite: Witty shit mid conversation, like "I came here for horror, not porn" while watching Alien: Prometheus (best example I have currently). Dislike: "I'm gonna trans your gender little cuttingboard 😏" (making jokes of my trauma or similar, saying they're going to force my gender to. change, sexual towards me, etc I can't get a good example)

fern/elliot ! 1733070876100

I dont know my favorite but i do know that my least favorite is those little children on youtube shorts who make those jokes about hating gay people or something...... that type of humor where its just plain offensive to marginalized groups of people

system32 1733066450220

Bad puns. The cheesier, the better.

Also I hate jokes that make fun of a certain popukation group.

Chrys / Shady ⁀★ 1733066169946 *

Usually potty humor or gross-out humor. It's def my least fav, but when it's done right (or in the way I'll tolerate it) then it's not half bad, sometimes I'll chuckle.

And then there's the ppl who center their humor around being "cluelessly" offensive that piss me off. Like no Timmy, it's not cute or funny that you made some bigoted remarks, or asked an offensive question with "innocent" intentions. Think this last part is hyper-specific but it's something I encountered an awful lot and I sometimes can't tell if they're joking :/

veritasratio 1733063810624

I wouldn't say humour but Probably people makinge extremely offensive comments and passes it off as a joke.

boombox 1733061401919

my favorite is literally anything other than my least favorites, which my least favorites are "dark" humor that's literally just being offensive and toilet humor

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