Do you prefer your food seperated into different parts of the plate when you eat, or do you not mind?

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Sör ☆ 1736311158504

it generally depends on the food but generally, yes. some foods can touch while others absolutely cannot. there are also some foods that need to be on separate plates entirely or I am mild to moderately upset.

angies 1736268029081

my autistic ass says yes

sapphire 1736245128100

I actually like when my food is all jumbled up together in a grotesque ball. But I guess I don’t mind either

Everything separated... Like I mean not for foods that are MEANT to be together (besides mixed mushy stuff) but for different foods that do need to separated so a cheeseburger cannot touch uhh my eggs for example.

I have to have my food sperated. Yes I am one of those people that eat with baby plates that have the little category's. I hate my food touching unless it's MEANT too. like I put bacon on my grits. I don't mind that. But I don't like my green beans touching.y pasta, pasts touching my chicken so on and so on

I don’t like my food touching other food that’s on the same plate..idk it just irks me

DEPENDS... if its mushy stuff, so like mashed potatoes or mac and cheese i need them to be separated, but if it something more solid like chicken i dont really mind as much...

boombox 1736200059197

if my food touches i will start tweaking out i cannot have food touch or i will beat up someone Not actually but you get my point. hashtag autism

Cassiel 1736199584223

it's only a problem if food starts mixing or like, sauces get onto food that the sauce was not intended for

medkit 1736196901873

Yes . if my foods are touching each other i start killing & biting & maiming

for me it depends on the type of food. if its something like chicken, eggs, or any like solid centered foods (nothing mushy) I don't care, but if its something like mashed potatoes, Mac n cheese (mainly mushy foods) then I need them separated to the point where they don't touch other foods.

✦✧。 Ajax 1736189683014

I prefer my food being separated into different sections, mainly so it'll be easier to grab chunks of each part into my spoon in equal parts to get all the flavors in. I hate it when they're all above each other or mixed together unequally, since the distribution of taste wouldn't be equal and ruin the taste of the meal. I specifically hate wet food mixing with dry or oily food though, it should be put in a different container entirely so I can eat it one by one.

५◦ Verity 1736189101109

For me it needs to be separated when placed on the plate. I hate when my food touches and if it does touch i'll be like really disgusted by it. It's only really okay if I mix them but other than that it needs to be separate.

♱ ℓorcaist 1736187830760

In a plate with several portions of dishes/foods, I don't usually like my food touching, specially if it's food that can easily mix with another (usually due to texture) or that can affect the flavor of other food (sauces, purées, things like that). I don't usually mind if if the dish itself consists of food that is already "mixed" (food w/ toppings, for example): In that case, and if I need to, I'll just pick out whatever ingredient it is that I dislike.

— Tokyo ★ 1736185274428

I don't like foods touching another food.. I always separate them or try my best to! I just don't do it if the food is like an hamburger, pizza, or idk when two foods are good together

RJ 1736183951971

idk rly

also hiiiiiiiiiiiii

✧ ⠀ Rodion. 1736181614000

Depends… I don’t like hot food touching cold food or savoury touching sweet… but other than that, it’s fair game.

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