Sky 1735241718992

What's your current hairstyle? Are you happy with it?

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I have pretty long hair right now, not a fan though. It's annoying and halfway to sensory hell. I want to get a buzzcut, but my brother has really short hair and I don't wanna feel like I'm copying him... Genuinely I feel like I copy him in other ways so if I have an opportunity to any physical difference to him, I take it.

curly!!! it's so fun doing finger coils

fern/elliot! 1735264687984

SHORT ....... i remember mom saying i got my hair cut 6 weeks ago but i can still make it look fairly masculine so i will only get a haircut if it doesnt

Super short, but at least it's not buzzcut short or anything, been letting it grow and hoping it could get a lil longer ngl

Short and curly, i want it shorter since its still pretty girly :/

Liliana Blue 1735247485402 *

My current hairstyle is teased side bangs (because they are naturally small, when I tease it it makes them bigger) and straight long hair. I’m happy with it yes :)

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