I want to ask something, is bxy popular and why her weibo followers didn't increase drastically like sqhy? I thought all her social media followers would increase drastically because they are popular among cpf and yes it's true what cfans said that bz will be more popular than sqhy later
bxy IS popular, she has a lot more fans now than she used to, but all of SNH is in a slump atm and I don't think baizhu has as much out-of-river popularity as SQHY does. baizhu are already one of the only things in SNH getting more fans instead of losing them
as I said the other day, I don't think baizhu will surpass SQHY's overall popularity unless something big happens, but right now baizhu are gaining fans more quickly than SQHY.
1 person can follow multiple cps so theres that, iirc milan also mentioned some sqhy cpf was also at that wgate handshake? (cmiiw) but also sb trying to squeeze money from purposefully making them formula opponents and fight provides exposure, so theres that