fern/elliot 1734921545021

i finished jard pony Finally all it took was taking a break and going outside for a little bit an hour ago 💔💔I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PELTS ROCKS AT HIM Jokes aside i like how he turned out and im excited to play as stupid jard pony ^_^ but i dont know if i wanna play pony town alone urahhh Maybe we can play tmrw or something its getting late here so thats why tomorrow (also i think half of the reason i disliked like the colors like i said was because i was looking at it for too long) oh turns out this is how long we played

OHMY GODS THUS IS SO CUT E . HI JARD HORSIE HIIII OMG i love the colours i love the expression AOUGHHG i adore this 💚 we should totally play tomorrow

medkit 1734924435541
boombox 1734924896720

AWEEE HE'S SO CUTE!!! fern you did such a wonderful job i'm spinning you around. AND YES we must play more tomorrow i'm so excited...

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fern/elliot 1734925317944

YES... i was hoping id do good (ive only made like three skins i think its a good improvement within like. a day or two....... i did make another jard pony before but honestly it was kinda . I didnt liek it !!!! so i remade him)


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