anonymous 1728099009405

ngl i understand you think you’re quirky or whatever or tryna be cool or tryna be a troll but slut shaming girls is just so lame to me idk you’re definitely gonna regret ts in a few years and I hope you find somewhere to store all that negativity that and not just spew it on people you don’t even know, who have done nothing to you. It’s gross and you should try to imagine how you’d feel if it was you lol. God bless you genuinely.

i’m definitely not. people equating slut shaming to me hating women is such a boring ass surface level take. i don’t care if i’m hurting feelings but posting half naked like a onlyfans whore for a kpop selca day is insane. what’s gross is women who have such little value for themselves that they post shit like this on the internet for likes. it is sad and embarrassing. and that would never be me because i have a developed brain and have respect for myself. the only one who is going to have regrets in the future is these girls who are objectifying themselves for clout and male attention. ✌️

kara 1728099330726

No shade sis but how come all u do is hate on bad bitches 😭 NO SHADE u not edgy or funny or cute it was a lil giggle worthy at first but ur ego went too high imma need u to cut this corny shit out rn #NoShade

anonymous 1728104862479


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