anonymous 1731251013698

bribing you for a nicotine update with more unhinged character analysis πŸ‘€πŸ€­ (but take your time no actual pressure lol)

oh my GOD you have no idea how motivating this actually is… the only thing more motivating would be receiving the unhinged character analysis so I can read it, get intensely excited, and then run off to write πŸ‘€πŸ₯°

thejoth 1731259674447
anonymous 1731261638636

working on my own etol fic atm (my first fest!) but if i could i would run off to present that three part analysis again this time for this is honestly a motivation for us both lol. let us get through this and return with more stuff done!! <3

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thejoth 1731519594097

omg FUN that it’s your first fest!!! very excited for the chance that one day that 3 part analysis might happen πŸ₯ΉπŸ’– good luck with your fic!!

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