anonymous 1728528359702

hi anna!! i love ur writing!! i’ve been rereading rep (i love themmmm!!), and i started wondering - are there any scenes thatve happened in rep that you would enjoy/have thought about writing in jungkooks pov?

hi!! one that comes to mind is when taehyung's meeting jk's parents for the first time! that whole thing was such an /oh/ moment for jeongguk 🥹

i think i asked this before but does anyone have any scenes in mind they'd wanna read from jk's pov? 👀

anna :) 1728539240501

I wanna see the scene where they get back from the ck shoot (and also leading up to the shoot + the shoot in itself of course wink wink) when they’re in the car and jk has a moment right as tae is going inside his building from jk’s pov sooooo bad

anonymous 1728585695010


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ohhh omg that's such a good one honestly. boy was big time frustrated with himself after the shoot 🫠

anna :) 1728587115793

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