
Tw big ass text of me rambling about my opinion over boycott As someone who spent 3 days non stop studying about palestines situation, people boycotting are literally un-eficient. "Oh but we need to do something!" Do donations? Because the situation in palestine is WAYYY depper then just "genocide" It's actually been happening for such a long time it's annoying how it's treated as a trend. As much as is good because it caught people's attention, people are only using the situation as a Keychain. Like they don't even know WHAT IS ISRAEL or WHY IS IT PROBLEMATIC?? Literally if you look deep in history, you will notice that a group of Jewish people during the 2nd world War wanted to have a country for they're own, they left Germany looking for a new place. The problem is that.. hello it is 1948?? You can't just create a country. But the people from that group went to palestine, they're conflict is territorial. It's an armed fight or a war to say the least. AND ITS NOT EVEN KNEW ITS EVEN WAY BACK TO 1888 THAT ARABIC PEOPLE HAVE BEEF WITH JEWISH PEOPLE..??? SO IT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE FOR JUST NOW PEOPLE BE BOYCOTTING "oh but but" SHUT UP. Also basic history logic omgggg AMERICA is an alley to palestine, if you think industry's are "supporting" You're basically saying that people who live I america are supporting just by paying rent. Oh and don't even get me started on why I hate it. People could be doing donations, they could be sharing sites that help BUT NOOOO let's actually as well ruin other people's jobs. The most ironic part is that people who boycott such places like Mc donalds also support indie artists.. MOST YOUNG ARTISTS WORK AT FAST FOOD STABLESHMENTS TO AT LEAST GET MOMEY SO THEY CAN ANIMATE..??? Like, I have a lot of friend that have to work in Mac Donald for lack of options, why are people ignoring also that. I myself am against Israel because im LITERALLY FUCKING ARABIC. PLEASE GET THAT IN YOUR MIND BEFORE YOU COME UP AT ME. How would I support someone that isn't even close to my blood line compared to it?? People are not taking seriously the palestine situation. Like literally boycotting. It isn't "genocide" support, it's FUCKING TAKING A PART OF SOMEONE ELSES COUNTRY THEYRE HOUSE. If it was genocide the situation would be way easier to be handle AND GUESS WHAT?? ONU ISNT DOING ANYTHING. WHWRENT THEY SUPPOSED TO BE A "WORLD PEACE" but really what can I expect, it's literally an north American organization IN NEW YORK. God I hate hate people who don't research about this situation. It's not about genocide, it's about people losing they're home. And as much as I would love to take more action in the palestine situation since I have family in there (my family after the 1st arabic war they had to follow different paths, so you can tell how isolated I feel from my family or lost over what I even am] I'm facing actual big irl problems right now. Like here in Brazil for example, THEYRE BURNING FORESTS. DO YOU HEAR ME?? ITS PURE SMOKE AND ASHES HERE IN BRAZIL. But as well as if I start calling out Brazil situation I know damn well I would get so much backlash over it. They would 1- say I'm trying to copy palestine situation WICH IM NOT BECAUSE THE GORVERMENT IS IGNORINV THE SITUATION or even 2- they would call me dramatic and say it's normal HELLO IT IS A CRIME??? In small words please let me eat Mc donalds in piece


i think uree right at some parts but boycotting definitely does help. if millions of people think the same thing "one person isn't gonna affect anything if i go to eat at / buy something from this problematic company" multiple times then there's definitely a big difference. i believe starbucks lost around 11(?) billion dollars because of people boycotting. that's half of the amount you need to end world hunger. 11 billion dollars made a huge difference, some could've been used in israel buying more military weapons and stuff. now i'm not saying in certain situations where you rarely go out and decide to eat somewhere for a change or minors who work at mcdonalds, i mean if you purposely main a certain company that does terrible stuff despite knowing and have a certain starbucks order everyday (example) then it'd be better to boycott. i think it's nicer to support local shops anyway. you can also see certain large companies getting desperate for people to buy their stuff, which also proves that it makes a difference. every little thing helps if you have the right mindset. boycotting, again, isn't the only thing that helps. maybe some people are unable to donate, but they can definitely help in other ways. it's not completely inefficient. i'm really sorry to hear about the situation in brazil too, i hope things get better for you guys. i don't usually write my opinions publicly online either, i just thought I'd share my opinion w/ you but i'm not at all cominf at u DW !! sorry i'm not the best at explaining


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