anonymous 1728134323159

An issue I think they could've faced (as partners or in general) is Hao being closed off and unreadable. Bin is easy to read, and his emotions and feelings show whether he chooses or not. On the other hand, I feel like unless Hao actively chooses to make his feelings known, he'd be hurt or upset and not say anything but just be irritated. He can be IMPOSSIBLE to read at times, literally a blank wall, so I think Bin might've helped him in that on purpose or not. I think it could've upset Bin having someone like that and not be able to help them or understand them.

then there's me who thinks hao actually wears his heart on his sleeve and if anything bin is the one who bottles things up until he implodes lol

alice 1728168572458

i think hao is pretty open about what he's feeling. he would "hide" it sometimes but i think he's pretty easy to read for ppl who care/know him well? Like when he went on bubble live and was like i argued w hanbin bc FRIENDS argue :) like he was sort of trying to be nonchalant but it seemed pretty obvious that he was upset/annoyed lol. hanbin on the other hand seems like he's very outward about his feelings but I think that's just him being extremely empathetic. a lot of moments where we saw him be emotional esp on boys planet was him being emotional for other ppl. it feels like he also doesn't like to share negative feelings, esp when its regarding himself so he just keeps it bottled up. obviously idk them personally so i could be completely wrong but at least that's how i see it lol

anonymous 1728176766153


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