
hey uhmm... aimée... idk what happened to your account... s did it... s said you deserved it.. uhm yeah... love yah!

ask me about me YES


yiu afre meds

waht! i am the real


Swimmingly ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

alpha 1723953415070

you deserve it

I'm. adly in love you s.


love you dan

haiii ieiiii ieiieiieieieiieieieie


hey im your numebr 1 fan

hiu number one dan


omg i just got a kewl epic idea wanna hear it


can't ebelieve you called me amercian..

IM SORRY. I am so sorry. I am kind. I am kind can we blame it on mama


are you okay??? did the british lesbians get you??


gimmkie a second i'm talking to england

country humans but in real Life? Okay America


don't be scared by the british lesbians. they are behind yew

lesbian is a great place to talk to myself STOP CALLING ME CRAZY the voices THE VOICES AAAHHHHHHHHHH AHHHH goes insane like those rabid raccoon videos on YouTub and the scouts are very good at this point and I am not sure what to do with the ocean and the scouts who have been in the meantime and have been trying to document this for when I have a.


don't go to bed because uhmm.. 1 . you can make kewl fortnite theme, 2 . we can play games together


british people are real.... meaning... british LESBIANS are real....

no. you're delusions are getting worse, what is a lesbian... and... what's a British? 😰 I'm scared.


you will NOT fix your layout.. i know yewww =_=

can u plz support me instead if bringing me down 😢 what the fart

one day I will have a beautfil account and YOULL EAT YOUR WORDS


lesbians... are real

NO WAY........ im... shocked....noawy,,, im




anonymous 1723874520753

i am your fortnite wife...

OMG FORRTNIE WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe i killed tyou im so sorryr

anonymous 1723874374939

can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you.

No kys i have a fortnite wife and she lovs me who do you think you are please die


i love yew yur so kewl

thakn you oh mygod hi

anonymous 1723872795423

you should count your days to live.

im counting my dayss... very happily! :3

ryoshu 1723870809753


ok alien!!!!!!!!!! :3


noticed how i was first i'm your hugest fan :3

anonymous 1723870188196


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i do not know why everythings blending together uhm yeah

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