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  • #1 thoschei hater /j

query the doctor?

This profile is not currently accepting questions.

the last thing i posted was a mess, i wrote it as soon as id woken up and was disoriented and distressed.

i’m going to add some thing though.

“you consented to the doc being public” yes i did, back in december. i no longer want my name out there not for the sake of silencing anyone but for the sake of wanted to remain unknown. i never even wanted the situation public to begin with at the time if you were actively watching everything go down back in december you would have known vincent was the one to make it public.

for my sake, stop sharing MY story for me or saying to me “he raped you” I FUCKING KNOW. i don’t want it out there and i hope whoever made the doc removes my name or any trace of me from it.

i don’t support vincent. at all. if you knew my situation you would know i am (or was i don’t know what we are anymore) dating him and spoke to him as a lifeline i have no one irl or even online i never have in a stable way . he’s been the only person to offer support towards me ever, especially from my family. if i had other people in any way hell id never look back to him. he used to show up to my home even when we “cut contact” in january that was fucking terrifying for me and i don’t want to relive that fear i’m even putting myself at risk writing this because people cannot seem to respect me.

i hope elysia heals from everything he put them through, it was nasty and vile and fucking disgusting even more if you saw the trust elysia put into vincent. i hope they get their peace send love their way. they deserve to be heard. they deserve to heal. so does anyone else affected by this.

i am going inactive. i am hiding away again.

i sick of all these two face fuckers pretending to feel empathy then harassing me in my ask box on anon i never wanted any of this to come to light again, it shouldn’t of have to. I didn’t need this, i forgot the doc even fucking existed i thought i was never made that’s how offline i am.

its no one’s business me and wynter/vincent/sam whatever our relationship isn’t your business, not then, not now, never in the future i can think for myself so dont police things you think im not right or wrong right now.

i want to move on and never think of this again. the gross things i didnt want to think about it but now you’ve all brought it back so thanks!

maybe ill come back, who knows. probably never. i don’t understand why im suffering over actions i was a victim of, i shouldn’t have to. i should be able to have my peace as anyone in the situation gets to have theirs even wynter for fucks sake

everyone should be allowed to grow and change but apparently that concept is invisible to some people

this isn’t me defending him at all, this is me trying to express the pain you’ve all caused me because of this.

i could be talking to no one at this point, but if you do see this and taken into account what i even have to say, thank you.

  • Giovanni or June

to add onto my last ask, since i didn't think to add it before (my bad!) i'm absolutely not here to assume anything about your relationship. That's not my intention whatsoever, but I just see some.. questionable behaviors? if that makes sense?

that makes sense yeah and i have taken in what you’ve said the best i can (sorry im very scatterbrained)

daleks /silly 1726622531354

You consented to the doc being public in the first place, you can't just backout and suddenly pull the "I no no wanna" card, it's been public for a while and it's too late now .??? He's gonna be a known rapist.

i consented to it being public yes, but arent i allowed to move on? i don’t wanna dwell on things. thanks 👍🏽

daleks /silly 1726622412098


🐈‍⬛: currently? i currently am sobbing my eyes out thanks for asking !!!

daleks /silly 1726622171714

why are you condoning him threatening to rape other ppl tho

i’m not lol. that’s fucked but i’m not actively going “HEEEEEEY WYNTER IS AWESOME AND DOES SUCH GOOD THINGS” because he doesn’t. and i am aware he doesn’t. and i don’t support him in that AT ALL and never will.

daleks /silly 1726622111820

Even if you forgave him, he’s still a rapist. No matter what.

and isn’t that my business? not yours or anyone else’s?

daleks /silly 1726621962938

My dude you're dating a rapist why would we respect you

if you had braincells and read the doc you’d realise i am june lol, i don’t wanna talk about it anymore.

daleks /silly 1726621254263

“Leave me out of this” and you’re the one dating him.

is it not basic decency to respect my wishes maybe?

daleks /silly 1726620961662

idk maybe cuz he's a rapist abuser??

leave me out of all this, please.

daleks /silly 1726618699019

U gonna say anything about ur bf or

daleks /silly 1726614504204

🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ give me your 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛:3


daleks /silly 1726613864836

im gonna ride you like your user is the tardis

I loveyour theme so much...Thoschei foreva.. 🦷 or 🐾 !! :-)


🐾: random thought…. random thought what if david tennant showed up on my door step right now 😞😞

daleks /silly 0


🎶🎶: doomsday - murray gold ((INSTRUMENTAL WORK OF ART EVEN MORE IF YOU KNOW THE CONTEXT)) & john sinclair - john lennon

🪽: fact about me? i’m a very offline person while always being online 😭😭

daleks /silly 0

thoschei…. the master and the doctor… me and john simm….. 🤤🤤🤤

daleks /silly 1726524308778



I LOVE FALSETTOS SO MUCH ARGHGGH me personally i am marvin he’s so me the whole marvin trilogy is so me he just wanted to be loved and nothing to crumble trust (hes lowkey evil)

daleks /silly 0

🐾: what if we lived on a upside down earth… like… we were in the clouds and the sky was the ground and rain went upwards then what…

🐈‍⬛: nothing 😞

daleks /silly 1726522099471

do yer dick swang

yes . spins in a circle when i move my hips woooooowooo

i love toxic doomed yaoi OGMFMGMGM THOSCHEI MMMMMM

🎶  ﹕  a song 🪽  ﹕  a fact about me 🐾  ﹕  a random thought 🦷  ﹕  a hyperfixation 🐈‍⬛  ﹕  currently 🕊️  ﹕  free space  .  you pick 𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟

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