Sky 12/6/2024

What's your favorite theme/aesthetic in profiles? And do you like it more simple or overly decorated?

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Cassiel 12/16/2024

overly decorated profiles are really ugly sorry at least they're kokoa yoshizak icore or soemtihng

randompcb 12/6/2024

minimalism is a good thing but i like decorating things a bit (not too much tho)

pretty simple base colours with sparks of brighter colours using decor. I like my space greeen so plants :) not sure what that ‘aesthetic’ is called though lol. Just base greys, beiges and whites with colourful stuff for decor

RJ 12/6/2024

I'm more professional so I go simple, call it minimalist even

A lot of I love my banner so much

these damn lines and gradients

Tokyo ★ 12/6/2024

I prefer something with a lot of decorations on it! For me, it gives more life to the theme, but some simple ones are really cool too!