it generally depends on the food but generally, yes. some foods can touch while others absolutely cannot. there are also some foods that need to be on separate plates entirely or I am mild to moderately upset.
my autistic ass says yes
I actually like when my food is all jumbled up together in a grotesque ball. But I guess I don’t mind either
Everything separated... Like I mean not for foods that are MEANT to be together (besides mixed mushy stuff) but for different foods that do need to separated so a cheeseburger cannot touch uhh my eggs for example.
I have to have my food sperated. Yes I am one of those people that eat with baby plates that have the little category's. I hate my food touching unless it's MEANT too. like I put bacon on my grits. I don't mind that. But I don't like my green beans touching.y pasta, pasts touching my chicken so on and so on
I don’t like my food touching other food that’s on the same plate..idk it just irks me
DEPENDS... if its mushy stuff, so like mashed potatoes or mac and cheese i need them to be separated, but if it something more solid like chicken i dont really mind as much...
if my food touches i will start tweaking out i cannot have food touch or i will beat up someone Not actually but you get my point. hashtag autism
it's only a problem if food starts mixing or like, sauces get onto food that the sauce was not intended for
Yes . if my foods are touching each other i start killing & biting & maiming
for me it depends on the type of food. if its something like chicken, eggs, or any like solid centered foods (nothing mushy) I don't care, but if its something like mashed potatoes, Mac n cheese (mainly mushy foods) then I need them separated to the point where they don't touch other foods.
For me it needs to be separated when placed on the plate. I hate when my food touches and if it does touch i'll be like really disgusted by it. It's only really okay if I mix them but other than that it needs to be separate.
I don't like foods touching another food.. I always separate them or try my best to! I just don't do it if the food is like an hamburger, pizza, or idk when two foods are good together
idk rly
also hiiiiiiiiiiiii
Depends… I don’t like hot food touching cold food or savoury touching sweet… but other than that, it’s fair game.