Daily Questions

Something weird you ate as a kid

for me it's a fucking pencil sharpener and a coin

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𝒥 1728676932277

one of those pencil rubber grip things </3

Winona / Rex 1728669113441


rubber, lots of rubber idk why

leon 1728665411390


Lloyd ♪ 1728665023862

A magnet I fear.

vinny (*´ω`*) 1728651688227

ant 😕😕😕😕😕

Luàn Zhé 1728651290161

My Math workbook. I couldn't focus in class hence I decided to eat the book to gain it's knowledge


Mostly paper, but I bet I did chew on some other stuff + I put legos in my mouth like a dumbass even at the age of 6+ years old

Nelson / Spiral ꩜ 1728649637095

a leaf,,,..

when i was in elementary school i would get new packs of pencils and immediately eat all of the erasers off of them

Renato/Nexu 1728649102890

Glue and paint, they looked edible but tasted terrible

Langxi!! 1728648580636

A pokemon card... it tasted like fancy cardboard.

patty  ☆ ⁺ 1728641747471

the rubber part of a stylus and a cupcake wrapper

LEO / AYIN 1728641386482

A few rocks pretty sure

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