Fucking cementary boys
I hate reading
The Unwanteds.......
phone booth at the edge of the world because itslike the only not horror / mystery book ive read since middle school
I love a lot of books, but I struggle to relate or associate myself with them/the characters? I relate somewhat to the main character in Miguel de Unamuno's Mist, I suppose. I've always enjoyed Lorca's The Public too, and the style does speak to me personally. Lorca's Así que pasen 5 años (no clue of the title it's under in English) isn't as personal to me, but I also relate somewhat to the main character's [ex]-lover.
I relate very closely with The Catcher in the Rye because I basically have the same brain as Holden.
harry potter, not bc he slept in one for a long time but bc I'm convinced everyone in that damn book is in one (delusional)
THE TURNERS!!! by mick elliott.. i loved it in 6th grade .... IT WAS SOOO PEAKKKK YALL DONT UNDERSTAND I LOVED also i got my name from that series... i'm totally an evil aunt scientist cyborg pig lady okay guys
oh yeah also animorphs i fucking love animorphs can you tell i love books about traumatized shapeshifter children that shit is so peak imo