There's nothing more invalidating than trying to fight against your own personality disorder. Likewise, it's hope-draining to lose to it.
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It's alright, I understand how that can feel ♡ As such, how schizoid omnipotence can make me demean those swayed by emotions. I understand that emotions are just as important as reason, & it, too, is logical in its own way, but this sense of superiority comes with our respective pd's package. What else is there to be done but remain attuned~
big sigh,.,. i relate,.,. i have npd nd i feel so mean for having narcisisstic thoughts sometimes,.,,,. i fight it all the time,.,. because if i say something like i'm better than everyone then yeah that is true BUT that's being mean nd people will hate me if i'm mean nd people shouldn't hate me nd AAAAAAAHHH sorry for infodumping!.!!!!! Dx