both :)
Tha yapper, usually! When i think about my interests i get crazy excited and talking lets some of that out. I love yapping about my interests, especially if the other person listens and asks more because then i get to talk more about them! Other than that i hate talking💖 i dont like talking about anything that isnt interest-related, it tires me out
Yapper.. My whole family says i Talk too much, and i really Talk.. If i start Talking, i Will not stop soon, i'm sorry
i like to listen! unless you ask me about my big interests, then i will yap forever
talking can be tiring for me majority of the time so usually i prefer listening to show my interest, exceptions for times when someone shows interest in something im extremely passionate about though. if we can bounce off eachother conversationally then i can really enjoy myself
I LOVE being the yapper of the room. My little brain has occupying so much I sometimes wish people would read my minds to see the info and amount of detail I look into the media’s I’m in.
I'm the yapper a majority of the time lmao, though I don't mine listening at all, doing them a favour for having to listen to me yap about who knows what (ORV most likely)
yapper, i couldnt listen even if my life was on the line
i yap a lot too but i fuckin love listening to people and pushing them to share more. idk if it's a people pleaser thing but i feel so euphoric when i see the person yapping to me sound so happy talking about what they love hensjemdnjd melts my heart
Yapper, to the point where i have to ask if im talking to much 😭
Listener, because listening is always a nice thing to do and I'm insecure about yapping too much
Depends on the day.
listener :-) unless you get me talking about something i'm really interested in. in that case you will never hear the end of it
I'm very bad at listening and struggle with keeping myself from randomly interrupting so ... Definitely a mega D1 Yapper I just love to talk
Kinda depends, but mostly listener. It's relaxing to just sit and listen. Yapping, talking, explaining is exhausting. I rarely like it unless I have A LOT on my mind for whatever reason. But like.. if the stuff I have to listen to is mentally draining and negative, then, neither. I happily listen to someone's interests though.
I yap so much . but i tend to get sad if i get nothing in response for whatever reason .......... so maybe being the listener i s more appealing
yapper 100% to the point where i have to ask my not-so-close friends if i talk too much. ummm Rip
Super complicated, it really depends. I think I'm better at being a listener, because yapping takes a bit of confidence. Also I don't really like it when the listener isn't very invested (or doesn't look interested), I don't wanna bore them.
But I'll yap a bit wherever possible, like in Neospring posts or something.
both, mostly listener