What's the weirdest thing you did as a child?

I used to lick batteries /srs.

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Liliana Blue 1735456109604

when I started my first period (I was 9) i would wipe the blood on toilet paper and show it to my mom even when she knew for some reason..(I have no idea why I did that to this day)

Mohno 1735384115030

I ate. . . .ants

Alumin 1735311273621

i used to put coins in my navel

fern/elliot! 1735264007108

i ate toothpaste and chapstick This is why my mom had to call poison control for me

i used to spray water on my parents' old tv.,,.,. i wanted to clean it because everything on tv looked blurry to me (i really needed glasses nd i have rlly poor eyesight but i didn't actually get them till i was 11 or 12),.,. but it ended up breaking so we had to get a new one (which also breaked because my dad punched it nd it fell over 4 times)


I regularly ate tissues at the back of the car as an actual snack on the road, or something


♠️- literally ate paper, paint, and same bro batteries tasted heavenly.

Ate paper. Espescially coffee stained paper. I'd chew on everything, including my stuffed animal's hands for some reason? I also always complimented elderly ladies and others thought that was weird

wynn⠀⠀✿ 1735242907380


randompcb 1735237859896 *

Formatting drive C on the school PC (that got me real grounded)

I was bored and found out they didn't block CMD and...uh...yeah you get the idea

Hmm, small attempts at shoplifting? And thinking that people would yell at me just for asking questions.

"Uh hey, can I pla-" Suddenly it sounds like a COD lobby -My Brain

Otherwise I kinda ate paper and chewed on plastic toys, like most kids did ngl.

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