
div1 so ​ ​you ​ ​can ​ ​hide ​ ​your ​ ​roots ​ ​behind ​ ​civilizations ​ ​but ​ ​cathedral ​ ​walls ​ ​have ​ ​already ​ ​come ​ ​tumbling ​ ​down div2

◜ don’t ​ ​ hide ​ ​ your ​ ​ roots ​ ​ behind ​ ​ the ​ ​ mask ​ ​ of ​ ​ other ​ ​ men ◞

KEAGON 1724443070998

" long ​ ​ pointed ​ ​ wings ​ ​ for "

𐀔 ​ ​ opinions/advice (srs or fun) 𐀔 ​ ​ media/character headcanon 𐀔 ​ ​ song & music suggestions 𐀔 ​ ​ etc, i’ll answer as i please!

" scars ​ ​ run ​ ​ beneath ​ ​ the​ ​ ​skin "

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