anonymous 1732312259289

hi ‎ lusi ! :3 ‎ wld ‎ u ‎ do ‎ /nursie ‎ 4 ‎ /doll ‎ or ‎ /female ? btw ‎ I ‎ really ‎ luv ‎ ur ‎ rentrys ! ! ‎ they ‎ r ‎ so ‎ cutieful ‎ .

Hieeee unfortunately /nursie does not pique my interest i am sory 💔💔 and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

lu ♡ 1732313289001
anonymous 1732508309350

not this anon but /nursie is... my url...? i did NOT send this LOL..

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