o4, o5, 06!! also very cool profile, i find it readable
Hello! Thank you for the message! I'm happy you like my profile as well ^^ I do try to keep the color scheme simple, so I'm glad it's readable as well! As for the ask game:
04. I'd want to talk about Mario Benedetti, but he's not Spanish so I digress. I have spoken about my top two favorites (my dear Aleixandre and my dearest Lorca) so I'll pick someone else. For some change, I'll go with pretty much the only contemporary Spaniard I have translated works of… Fran Fernández Álvarez.
Truthfully I don't know much about him, he does a wonderful job at keeping himself relatively anonymous. I only know his work; which, in a way, I like! Contemporary poets in general don't have the chance to have the historical drama that the 20th century artists so thoroughly enjoyed — so it's not like he'd be much more interesting anyway.
I love his work, though. And that mostly comes down to the fact that I cannot, for the life of me, understand anything at all he says. Listen, I am interpretative. I read poetry everyday. I read light poets, I read dense poets. I need to be skilled in interpretation of the message.
I just do not understand any of Fran Fernández Álvarez’s poems. Not one. For reference, here is my favorite poem of his. I say favorite because I like how it sounds, due to the aforementioned fact that I cannot decipher what the fuck it wants to say:
the signal comes
written by its period
and its wavelength
by the phase and by the noise.
some miracles form
inherent part
of the radio spectrum.
making them reality
is a question
of searching for the frequency
of resonance.
the complimentary
has a corpuscular
it is made with the hands.
There is one another that is more direct, but mostly it's just that. It's either metaphors that seemingly allude to nothing, or straight-up nonsense — or both. I love it. I cannot keep my eyes or my hands off of it. I've translated all of the work I've been able to find on the Internet for free, and moreover I've ordered his book. I am going to translate his entire repertoire. I review his social media every once in a while to see if he's giving a speech somewhere and see if I can go. I wish I could interview him, truthfully…
05. Fun fact about yours truly… Aside from being an insufferable literary historian, I also am a — less insufferable — pianist. I play the piano. I also was in a really prestigious choir a while ago, but I left that. I do know how to sing a little, I suppose, although the piano is the only thing I still play regularly.
06. My day’s been. A day. It's only 1:44pm on my end, so I haven't really lived much of today yet… I woke up at 4am in the morning after dreaming that my German teacher had assigned us something, haha. I went back to bed and slept for an unjustifiable amount of time afterwards though, so it's fine. Waking up so early made me a little moody, I feel like, but I won't die. Admittedly, talking about poetry raised my spirits somewhat, so, thank you!
Thanks for the message and interest! Have yourself a nice day. ^^
That's great! I'm a native Spanish-speaker too, I'm from Spain! I translate Spanish poems for fun, so English-speakers can enjoy them too. it's so nice to meet other Spanish-speakers too, there's not that many around here ^^ thank you for the ask once again!
i had to read it two times to keep this in mind but i'm so glad you enjoy Spanish poems and literature. (i'm an Spanish native speaker and i grew up with Benedetti's and Locra's stuff)
also YEAH so nice you're having good day even if it just started. :)