anonymous 1731907331855

You said you progressively got more into being the big one after starting out as the small one : how did that taste manifest itself? What part of you being the bigger (biggest) one do you find the most enticing?

For me, it grew as I tried out the role. Knowing how people would bow before me, knowing I was fulfilling so many fantasies, knowing how powerful and sexy I sounded, and how it made girls weak… mmm that definitely played a huge role. I think honestly the part I find most enticing in the giantess role is blurring the line between fantasy and reality. I’m playing a role, sure, but it’s so easy to feel immersed in my work, to feel that im really a goddess or a giantess and demanding worship / obedience / your body as food. Plus I love seeing my voice go through audio processing and become thumping, godlike presence, it’s the VA equivalent of getting boudoir photos back — makes me realize how powerful and intimidating I can be with just the right focus, tools, and inflection

Ana V 1731907793717


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