anonymous 1732385111617

Your following someone who has been accused or is a pedophilia

Respectfully I’m not playing find the pedophile or proshipper or whatever, I’m uncomfortable as is with this information and you just had to be all cryptic instead of straightforward and tell me. So what?? I can get paranoid???

Sorry for being a lil pissed but this sort of behaviour just gets on my nerves, I don’t like just being kept in the dark so just tell me their user, you’re already on anon so what do you have to lose?

I try to be respectful at all times, but these are the sort of asks I never want to get, not because they’re warning me but because it’s basically just protecting said person by not telling me. And also causing fear.

Idrc how anyone views this post, bc let’s bfr this is bothersome.


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Update. Found out who it was, it’s xen

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