#003 , 30 / 9 / 2024 : QUESTION OF THE DAY
-- Have you ever " borrowed " something from someone, only to keep it forever?
( Current Theme : General Questions. )
If stealing counts then probably a lot of things ( 🤫 ) , but besides that it's mostly basic stuff like a pencil or eraser I forgot to give back. But the worst scenario of this was when I was a kid, I borrowed one of my friend's super duper mini toy figurine things for a night and I accidentally lost it in the bin because I was bad with coordinating my lefts and rights and I dropped it in the bin instead of the trash ( I was too stupid to realize I could just take it out of the bin with my hand, no biggie. I was young. ) I was meant to. I went to school the next day crying to them and breaking the bad news because I felt so bad, I actually don't remember if they forgave me or not!
It ended up being taken out of the trash for me and I kept it because I was too embarrassed to give it back after having a whole breakdown in front of my friend about it, pretty sure I still have it somewhere in one of the random boxes of hoarded items stuffed into the back of my closet