f00f the f00fy 1731788256782

Is there a way to use custom CSS to alter the mobile-specific theming without running against input sanitization on the < in media screen and (width <= 900px)?

Oh, interesting. I was thinking about adding an escape for this (something like replacing width &lt; with width <), but then I looked at the site's CSS and realized I've actually never done media queries like that.

I normally do media queries like this:

/* 900px and above (same as >= 900px) */
@media screen and (min-width: 900px)
/* 901px and above (same as > 900px) */
@media screen and (min-width: 901px)
/* 900px and below (same as <= 900px) */
@media screen and (max-width: 900px)
/* 899px and below (same as < 900px) */
@media screen and (max-width: 899px)
spark 1731863156256

oh! I've done it both ways but I thought I had to use <= and >= because that's what your media queries were showing up as in Inspect. That's really interesting.

f00f the f00fy 1731863225073


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All CSS served on the site is minified during the build step using LightningCSS.

This build step is mainly there to compile JSX (even though there is no JSX yet) with swc, but I figured I might as well minify the CSS while I'm there.

spark 1731863372321

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