not gonna try to make this page super aesthetic as its an alt : P tags are emm . #selfship post and #art.... some posts are not tagged because i am lazy or dont see a need to tag heres my selfship rentry (if you are too lazy to read this basically the most important thing is that i Do not care about sharing, just dont try to say you like a character more than me BECAUSE ITS NOT VERY NICE!!!!!) if you dont know what a selfshipper is Then look at this rentry it explains pretty well (i do not prefer to refer to myslef as a yume however) anon asks and responses are disabled because i know theres some people out there who really hate selfshipping For whatever reason and might send me weird hate stuff lol sorry oh stuff might be outdated in this pinned post and ill forget to change LMFAO whoops 💔💔
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